A platform for personal evolution, uniting reconnection with the land, philanthropic service, spiritual retreat, and devotional practice with agroecological regeneration in partnership with local communities to deliver lasting transformation and legacy in 7 key locations. Healing back to an interconnected wholeness starts with the land. Food as a detonator to awareness and our embodied alignment feels a very proper prompt and invitation beyond the fixed attention of systemic individuality. Soil, Soul, Service is to recognise the rehumanising journey of recovery from wellbeing to welldoing. Seeding a renaissance of biodiversity and being.
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”
We are rapidly losing the topsoil and genetic heritage that has taken four billion years to develop, clumsily causing Earth’s sixth mass extinction. Human agriculture has existed for at least 12,000 years; industrial farming is less than a century old and yet modern agriculture conceived from an extractive mindset is destroying the soil biome, decimating biodiversity and creating an existential toxic food and pollution crisis.
There are two worlds parading out of step. One that considers only from a left-brained rational perspective; 'business as usual', the other an increasingly shrill right-brained call to sanity and reconnection with The Sacred. As the Patriarchy falters and hierarchy collapses The Divine Feminine expresses as a wild Kali and a depleted mother. Environmental disaster and societal dis-ease fan this 'battle for perception'. How do we now find coherence and reconnection? “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the power of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire". Tailhard de Chardin
All indigenous cultures and most spiritual traditions teach us a reciprocal relationship with life. Unlike Descartes's dictum of dominion, it's recognised we humans are 'a part of nature not apart from nature'. Our nature is nature! Coherence is innate within interconnectedness. Our health and wealth is in mutual dependence beyond the boundaries of our own bodies. How did we forget this universal truth of homeostasis? In The West the unstoppable growth of the wellbeing industry is a pitiful plea for wholeness. How foolish we seem now after the extractive destruction of our own ecology, we failed to recognise the necessary and implicit function of Service. 'Welldoing' is an energetic expression, it is an active cycle which nourishes and completes the human experience and restores us to fulfilment, purpose and grace. The radical responsibility for self is actually a radical responsibility for SELF!
Our community of patrons is committed to engaging directly on:
Inner Transformation for Outer Change
Biodiversity of Gut and Soil Biome
Wellbeing to Well-doing
Attention Economy to Awareness Epoch
Global Income delivering Local Impact
Regeneration & Legacy
Renaissance and Reformation
Energy Centre: Crown
Tradition: Vedic
Focus: Devotion & Service
Practice: Puja
Location: Tamil Nadu, India
Farm: Five Layer Food Forest
Facilitator: Jagatambe Narayani
Energy Centre: Third Eye
Tradition: Cathars
Focus: Discernment & Revisionism
Practice: Scholarship
Location: Launguedoc, France
Farm: Biodynamic
Facilitator: Jehanne de Quillan
Energy Centre: Throat
Tradition: Bwiti
Focus: Intimacy & Connection
Practice: Ceremony
Location: Ivindo, Gabon
Farm: Mioba Healing Farm
Facilitator: Mia Ganda
Energy Centre: Heart
Tradition: Mayan
Focus: Opening & Feeling
Practice: Cacao
Location: Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Farm: Permaculture
Facilitator: Andrea Cruz
Energy Centre: Solar Plexus
Tradition: Achuar
Focus: Clarity & Coherence
Practice: Guayusa
Location: Achuar Nation, Ecuador
Farm: Forest Pharmacy
Facilitator: Zoe Tryon
Energy Centre: Sacral
Tradition: Western Tradition
Focus: Singularity & Plularity
Practice: Contemplation
Location: Meteroa, Greece
Farm: Regenerative Intecropping
Facilitator: Peter Kingsley
Energy Centre: Root
Tradition: Spiritual Sanctuary
Focus: Grounding & Embodiment
Practice: Deep Rest
Location: Yorkshire, England
Farm: Nature Rec/Agroecology
Facilitator: Paris Ackril
Sri Sakthi Amma Narayani
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